Processor of tejidos and inclusor of tejidos

The tissue processor is a piece of equipment used in pathological anatomy and in histology laboratories to remove water from the tissue and so that it can later be replaced by a means by which the tissue can be sectioned.

The inclusion of tissue consists of introducing the sample into a liquid, which subsequently solidifies with a polymerization or cooling process, preserving the characteristics of the tissue. In this way, blocks are obtained that are then sectioned into microns or nanometers thick sections, depending on the embedding medium; the most common embedding medium used in laboratories is paraffin. And the equipment used for this happened in the preparation of sections in histological laboratories, usually; It is an inclusion center or tissue inclusor, which surrounds the tissues with a medium such as paraffin wax, which when cooled and solidified will provide sufficient support for cutting the section.

Differences between a Tissue Processor and a Tissue Inclusor

The main difference lies in the process that each team is responsible for carrying out, since the tissue processor is responsible for the fixation, staining, dehydration, decalcification and the lightening of the tissue; while the inclusor is employed in its inclusion.

Advantages of both teams

  • Increase precision in tissue processing.
  • Reduces the possibility of sample damage.
  • They are designed to improve your laboratory results with advanced technology.
  • Pre-installed protocols give you the flexibility to process different types of fabrics.
  • They are flexible teams that adapt to different workflows.
  • They have a maximum security system for the sample and for the user.
  • They are certified and have a long service life.

The preparation of the tissue for its study is essential in pathological anatomy laboratories for diagnosis and for the study of scientific research, as it provides microscopic information on the tissue to be studied. It should be noted that the correct preparation of tissues is of great importance because only the preparation carried out correctly provides useful microscopic information. A damaged or faulty fabric would amount to a waste of work and resources. Being a solution for this our automated equipment.

At Kalstein we are MANUFACTURERS and we offer fabric processors of the highest quality and at the best PRICE on the market. Visit us on our website: HERE