PCR in scientific research

The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is one of the scientific advances that had the most impact during the twentieth century, this technique was created by the biochemist Kary Mullis, with the aim of serving as a method to expand DNA and synthesize large amounts of it. Later on, as PCR became known, a group of scientists discovered the great contribution that PCR could have in molecular biology, which led them to investigate and perfect it to transform it from a theoretical process to a reality.

PCR is based on an enzyme activity that occurs normally in the cells of our body. During mitosis, DNA polymerase replicates the DNA of the nucleus in order to obtain two identical copies, and then be distributed to daughter cells, the same happens with PCR, in it, the polymerases replicate, as photocopiers, a segment of DNA, in several cycles, to obtain thousands of equal copies.

Any researcher working with DNA molecules must have knowledge of PCR, as it is essential in various fields, for example, in medical research and biochemistry, allowing DNA fragments to be prepared for cloning viruses or bacterial plasmids and used as vectors. Also in medicine, for the diagnosis of hereditary diseases.

Applications of PCR in scientific research

Scientific research is a procedure characterized by being rigorous and leading to the acquisition of new knowledge. Its main function is to explain, describe, understand and predict facts, phenomena and behaviors. Through this process, questions are answered to test previously established hypotheses.

Before the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) existed, it was difficult to study DNA, because there was a lot of genetic information that was packaged in DNA molecules, making it difficult to specifically isolate the right fragment to study it. After the successful creation of PCR, this technique made it easier to identify disease-causing bacteria or viruses, identify people, and do scientific research related to amplified DNA. PCR is currently applied in a large number of laboratory techniques, thanks to its speed and effectiveness. Among the special functions that a PCR has is:

  • Cloning of DNA sequences in vectors.
  • The diagnosis of hereditary genetic diseases, in addition to its usefulness in medicine.
  • In paleontology and archeology for its sensitivity to study DNA in mummified tissue.
  • In the life sciences, because it studies DNA sequences in a sample with great precision.
  • In botany, to study the evolution of various plant species.
  • In forensic genetics, for kinship testing.

Thermocyclers, equipment used in PCR testing

The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a highly accurate and fast technique used for the diagnosis of bacterial and viral diseases, and also to detect genetic changes. PCR determines whether a pathogen is present in the DNA—the cause of disease—or the abnormal cells in the sample.

The PCR test is done by taking a sample of blood, mucus, or tissue, which possibly has the DNA of a pathogen. Later, the sample is taken to a team called a thermocycler, which is responsible for generating temperature cycles to amplify the different strands of DNA. After the sample is put into the thermo-cycler, the enzyme polymerase is added to it, so that it makes copies, repeating the process in order to get millions of copies.

Kalstein brand thermocycler

At Kalstein we are MANUFACTURERS of the best laboratory equipment, we assure you because these have a high quality and technology, and also have the best PRICES within the market. Our equipment is designed to meet the needs of all users working in the field of science and medicine. Among our wide variety of equipment available for sale, we have thermocyclers, devices necessary to perform temperature cycles for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in clinical laboratories. If you are interested in making the PURCHASE of a thermocycler for your laboratory, you can view them in our catalog through the following link: HERE. For information on our other products, see HERE