Power source: basic electrophoresis procedure

Electrophoresis is a basic method in the field of molecular biology for the analysis (separation, purification, preparation) of nucleic acids and proteins. The principle of electrophoresis consists in the migration of the molecules through a gel or another type of matrix of a porous nature, in which, by the action of an electric field, they will be separated according to their size or molecular weight, this is achieved thanks to the action of a power source for electrophoresis.

There are two types of electrophoresis: vertical type electrophoresis, where both DNA and protein molecules are analyzed, while horizontal electrophoresis generally works with DNA or RNA.

The electrophoresis power source power is designed for use in DNA and RNA separation, RFLP, DNA fragmentation, preparative Page electrophoresis (polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) and protein separation.

The basic procedure of electrophoresis

The process includes a matrix formed by starch, acrylamide, paper or some other substance capable of supplying a homogeneous support. On this matrix, protein or nucleic acid samples are placed. The infiltration of the samples into the matrix can be direct or through pieces of filter paper saturated with the protein mixture. The number of samples analyzed in a single run can vary from 10 to 50 depending on the type of electrophoresis.

The migration and separation of nucleic acids and soluble proteins in the sample is carried out by passing an electric current through the matrix for a certain time. The separation and migration speed depend on several factors, such as, among others, the electrical charge of the amino acids that make up the protein, the type of matrix and its thickness, the ionic strength and the composition of the buffer solutions. which are used to make the matrix.

At Kalstein we are MANUFACTURERS of excellent laboratory equipment and we offer you an innovative electrophoresis system, with features that provide you with a high level of safety and efficiency, at the best PRICES on the market. That is why we invite you to take a look at: HERE