What considerations should you consider when using a drying ovens?

The drying ovens is a device used to dry and sterilize glass and metal containers in the laboratory. It is also identified by the name Drying Oven. Manufacturers have basically developed two types of ovens: those operating by natural convection and those operating by forced convection. The ovens usually operate between room temperature and 350 °C.

What is the purpose of the ovens?

The drying ovens is used to sterilize or dry the glass and metal material used in the examinations or tests, which is carried out by the laboratory and comes from the washing section, where it is sent after being used in any procedure. The sterilization in the ovens is called dry heat and is carried out at 180 °C for 2 hours; the glassware, being heated by air at high temperature, absorbs moisture and eliminates the possibility of maintaining any biological activity due to the high temperatures and the times used.

How should you act in the face of a common accident?

If there are faults in the equipment

  • Immediately remove the material inside the ovens.
  • Notify the responsible laboratory about the situation so that the necessary measures are taken to alleviate the situation.

If there is material breakage inside the ovens

  • Notify the lab manager.
  • Turn off the running computer.
  • Allow the ovens to cool down so that you can handle the material inside.
  • Personnel responsible for cleaning should place the necessary personal protective elements before starting cleaning.
  • Carefully open the ovens, and remove the material that is in good condition.
  • Proceed to clean the material debris.

Whether there is a risk of high temperature

Personal protective equipment (e.g. gloves for high temperature hazards) should be worn when working at high temperatures.

Other risks

  • Associated with the use of electrical appliances (refer to protocol electrical appliances): Electrocution by direct or indirect contact, generated by any appliance with an electrical connection. Inflammation or explosion of flammable vapors by sparks or heating of the electrical apparatus.
  • Associated with exposure to biological samples.

To prevent these risks, the following are recommended

  • Check the perfect condition of the appliance or electrical installation before use.
  • Remove damaged, burnt or semi-naked cables and do not touch them without insulating protection (gloves, rags, etc.), if connected to the current.
  • Secure the electrical cables by recessing or securing them, insulating them or placing a protective cover.
  • Never touch a person who is under electrical voltage without having insulation material (clothing, gloves, wood, etc.).
  • Never plug in wet devices.
  • Apply universal precautions and codes of good practice.
  • Use of barrier elements such as gloves, gown, etc

What do you need to operate on it?

The operation of the ovens requires taking into account a number of precautions for its correct operation. Among the most important are the following:

  • Do not use materials or substances that are flammable or explosive in the ovens.
  • Avoid internal spills of acidic solutions or that form corrosive vapors, to avoid corrosion of surfaces and interior shelves.
  • Use personal protective items (insulated gloves, safety glasses, and forceps for placing or removing substances or items inside the drying ovens)

Kalstein. Knowing that this equipment is one of the key elements of the laboratory, at Kalstein we put at your disposal sophisticated drying ovens. That’s why we invite you to take a look at one of our models available HERE