What other tests can be performed with an automatic blood chemistry analyser for the laboratory?

An automatic blood chemistry analyser is a versatile laboratory equipment whose main applications focus on determining the content of blood plasma chemical components such as glucose, cholesterol, bile acids or amino acids. Other prominent uses include measurement of acid-base levels, uric acid, phosphatase, ionized calcium, and even tumor markers. The use of this equipment offers as an advantage a massive analysis capacity, reduced results times and flexibility for the different techniques of blood sample extraction.

Automated blood chemistry analysers for laboratory use allow hematology, biochemistry, immunology, urinalysis and coagulation to determine patients’ conditions with great precision. These equipment can also be used to perform several different tests, such as blood electrophoresis to detect abnormalities in red blood cells. In addition, tests can be done to determine bone formation, metabolites in body fluids, analysis with a full ion panel, cyclin levels in body fluids, identification of applications for kidney tissue, and detection of food and soil allergies.

Tests that can be done with an automatic blood chemistry analyser for the laboratory

An automatic blood chemistry analysis is modern laboratory equipment that is used to perform tests immediately. These analyzers can measure blood glucose, total protein, creatinine, and uric acid. In addition, levels of lipids, electrolytes, and hormones can also be measured, as well as some biochemical markers to demonstrate the presence of infectious diseases. In the glucose test, basal glucose, random glucose, glucose after a glucose load, and glucose after eating are evaluated.

For lipid analysis, triglycerides, total cholesterol, “good” cholesterol and “bad” cholesterol are measured. Protein analysis can help establish health and help diagnose diseases such as anemia, fatty liver, anorexia, obesity, and kidney problems. Finally, electrolyte analysis can provide useful information about metabolic health, including dehydration, exhaustion, and overhydration. The use of an automatic blood chemistry analysis in a laboratory contributes significantly to making rapid and accurate clinical decisions for disease diagnosis. These follow-up tests enable real-time diagnosis with great accuracy and provide comprehensive information for better decision making.

Automatic blood chemistry analyser for laboratory

The automatic blood chemistry analyser is a device used in laboratories to carry out blood tests, allowing to perform from 125 to 1,600 photometric tests per hour. This equipment is a very useful tool for health professionals, since it allows professionals to identify, quantify and analyze various chemical components present in the blood. Automatic blood chemistry analysers for the laboratory are accurate, early and reliable devices, making them ideal for use in a variety of clinical settings.

The automatic blood chemistry analyser is designed to deliver fast and accurate results thanks to its advanced technology. These kits are equipped with high-precision sensors that detect and measure chemical components in the blood. They also include software that enables a health care practitioner to interpret test results more effectively. These devices are an invaluable tool for health professionals because they allow them to perform chemical blood tests quickly, accurately, and reliably.

Automatic blood chemistry analyser for lab brand Kalstein

At kalstein we are MANUFACTURERS of a wide variety of laboratory and clinical equipment, specialized for all those who are dedicated to research and medicine. We also have as a special equipment the blood chemistry analyser, which is an analysis tool that allows to obtain accurate and reliable results, with great speed and efficiency. Its state-of-the-art technology provides comprehensive testing coverage, including for glucose, calcium, magnesium, phosphate, sodium, potassium, uric acid, cholesterol, triglycerides, total protein, albumin, amylase and lipase. All our equipment has as a distinctive feature its high quality and technology, apart from having the best PRICES within the market. If you are interested in making the PURCHASE some of our automatic analysers that we have available for sale, you can review our catalog at: HERE. To view our other products and equipment, see HERE