The cytocentrifuge offers a series of uses and applications in different scientific and medical areas; thanks to its rotor and other accessories allows us to process different samples adapting to the different requirements of the laboratories; it should be noted that among the diversity of samples that can process a cytocentrifuge are: exudates, cerebrospinal fluid, tissues from taking samples from gynecological analysis, among others; and offers as advantages of the design a system of warnings with alarms to prevent the sample from drying and deteriorating.
The cytocentrifuge offers us options of position of the cyto-container that allow decanting the filtered liquid in the test tube, this thanks to the action of the centrifugal force, the cells are separated from the suspended fluid and placed on the slide; followed by the filtered liquid, is absorbed by the filter or decanted in the test tube following centrifugation, followed by the test tube containing this fluid is removed to dry what has been precipitated on the slide and finally, the test tube is subjected to a second centrifugation.
Areas of application and use of the cytocentrifuge
- In the microbiological area, cytocentrifugation allows obtaining a greater sensitivity for bacterial visualization and a better quality of leukocyte morphology.
- Cytocentrifugation is used to detect Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigens in CSF for immunocytological techniques.
- It helps in the diagnosis of Pneumocystis carinini in bronchial alveolar lavage.
- It’s used in cytology studies of joint fluid.
- Time savings and improved sensitivity in microscopic observation with this technique make it recommended for sterile cavity samples with low cell count or clinical suspicion of severe infection with Gram negative staining by the conventional concentration method.
- In pathology and cytodiagnosis, the purpose is to find the cause, origin and nature of certain alterations through the examination of tissues and body fluids.
- Cytological examinations are essential for medicine (pathological anatomy) and veterinary and can also be used in the food industry and in the technological field.
- It can be used to examine the microscopic deposit or the supernatant at the same time of a single sample.
Fluids used in cytocentrifugation
Being the main function of the cytocentrifuge fluid separation, it is important to point out which with some of the fluids this machine processes, below we name some:
- Biological fluids including cerebrospinal fluid, exudates, transudates, joint fluid, vaginal discharge, pus, etc.
- Suspensions of isotonic solutions, smears, tissue biopsies, sputum, and bronchial tree washings.
- Suspensions can be investigated in different ways, depending on the needs.
- Only the microscopic reservoir can be used by removing the supernatant when filtering the suspension with a paper filter.
Cytocentrifuge operation
- Connect the centrifuge to the power supply.
- Open the centrifuge cover by pressing the COVER/COVER button.
- verify before placing the rotor that there are no foreign agents in the chamber that may contaminate the sample.
- Secure the rotor in the motor shaft so that it is fixed and well lodged in the shaft.
- Verify that the oscillating rotor is equipped with brackets on all its pipe carriers.
- Lubricate the axes on which the support oscillates in the petroleum jelly rotor or similar periodically.
- Verify that the lid is properly closed.
- If this is the case, install the container caps as well as the rotor cap.
- It is advisable to balance the containers, to ensure operation with minimum vibrations.
- To replace the rotor, loosen the rotor tightening bolt, then you can remove the rotor by holding it firmly with both hands and pulling it up.
If you want to purchase a laboratory cytocentrifuge or any centrifuge to meet the needs of your laboratory, please be aware to contact the best, this service we offer you through our online channels and at the best PRICE in the market, also if you want to know the catalog of high-end products that in KALSTEIN we have for you visit us HERE we assure you a very easy and viable online PURCHASE from anywhere in the world, reminding them that we are a manufacturer of high-level laboratory equipment for sale. HERE